Wind Turbine & Lithium-Ion Battery Build
Project Objective: Design and build a fully operational micro wind turbine for power generation.
This project investigates a range of topics, including battery development techniques, airfoil design, gear power transmission, rotating assemblies & joints and key concepts in electrical engineering.
Blade development was done using the Blade Element Momentum (BEM) method, which segments the blade into discrete elements that can be optimized. I then produced a custom python script to iterate through blade pitch angles to optimize lift to drag for each blade element.
Turbine prototyping to be performed via hand milling and 3D printing for rapid iteration and testing.
Current Progress:
Battery fully built and tested
Turbine Blade designed
Power transmission system designed
Nacelle, tower mount & rotating joint design
Up Next: Rear directional wing design, OTS part procurement and prototyping!